13 September 2022

Who's Replacing Whom? Part II: Belgium, U.K., Germany, Sweden


As we saw last time, France has become the epicenter of what Renaud Camus calls le Grand Remplacement in Europe.

But what about her neighbors?


Bassam Tibi, a Syrian-born professor who teaches in Gottingen, Germany, says:

Between the middle of the 20th and the beginning of the 21st century, the total number of Arabs increased from 80 million to 320 million. Today we can speak of about 400 million Arabs, of which 50% are under 20 years old. These only see a prospect for the future when fleeing to Europe. 
That’s why Bernard Lewis in the quoted interview has suggested that Europe will be Arab-Islamic by the end of the 21st century. Ye’or also states: “Integration has generally failed.” Instead, “Islamization” is taking place.


Pew Research has crunched the numbers on Muslim immigration to Europe, giving a projection in 30 years if the inflows stay high (and there is no reason to believe they won't):

So what exactly does the data say about the demographic situation of France's neighbors? Let us take a look. 

1) Belgium


Molenbeek district, Brussels, Belgium

Outside of France, Belgium is one of the countries in Europe that is Islamifying the fastest. Its Dutch-speaking half is somewhat spared, but its French-speaking half attracts migrants from a litany of France's ex-colonies that are sending floods of people across the Mediterranean.


Belgium's national statistics agency reports:

Despite a falling birth rate, Belgium's population continues to grow. Foreign immigration is what's driving it.  In 2019, foreign immigration represented 89% of the country's population growth.


The population growth of natives and immigrants over the last ten years:


A tally of the Muslim population of the different regions:


The capital Brussels is very top-heavy; one in ten Belgians lives in its metro area.


Here is a map of this metro area, showing the percentage of immigrants from outside Europe:


Brussels, where one in ten Belgians live: Here is the all-important under-18 population of the city:


The top 10 baby names in Brussels vs. the rest of the country. They tell an interesting story:


Belgian senator Alain Destexhe sums up the immigration situation in his country:

In relation to its population size, Belgium has received far more immigrants than its neighbors. During the 2000s, we took in four times as many as France or Germany! And all the problems that go with it (lack of assimilation, self-segregation, rising Islamism) have been denied or minimized.

Brussels is about 30% Muslim today. In just the last few years, native Belgians have become a minority in the capital city (…) The same is underway in the Brussels regional parliament, where foreigners are on the cusp of becoming a majority.

 Brussels market

Brussels has become the second most cosmopolitan city in the world after Dubaï—but without its wealth. Brussels was once the richest city in Belgium, but is well on its way to impoverishment due to all these migrant waves. Ninety percent of welfare recipients in the capital city are of foreign origin.

2) Germany


Despite its mass importation of Turkish Gastarbeiter and its zealous embrace of the 2015 Million Muslim March, Germany is not as far advanced on the road to demographic replacement as some of her neighbors.

Neukolln district, Berlin, Germany

As the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) also reports on the basis of the 2015 microcensus, … The share of the population with a migration background in the total population reached 21.0%. The extraordinarily high increase is mainly due to foreign immigrants. In 2015, 11.5 million immigrants lived in Germany.


As for that 26%, here is a breakdown of their national origins:


'The future belongs to those who show up.' What of the young generation in Germany?


From the Federal Statistics Office:  

On average, the population with a migration background is significantly younger than the population without a migration background. Every third person [33%] under the age of 18 had a migration background. The highest proportion was in the age group of children under the age of five (36%). In the group of people over 65 years old, on the other hand, the proportion was less than 10%.



As for Germany's biggest city, Berlin? We have unfortunately not been able to find any data more recent than 2013. At that time, their immigrant demographics were quite close to the national numbers:



Germany remains somewhat preserved from replacement--for now. But what of her British neighbors across the water?

3) Britain


The U.K. has finished its 2021 census, but will not publish the final data until next month, so we've used the most recent data we can find. (We will update as soon as the 2021 data is in.)


Here is a visual of the demographic change in the U.K. from 1991 to 2011 (click on image to enlarge):



Here are the most recent census maps of England's biggest cities, from 2011 (one dot = one person):














As far as the younger generation, here is the data on births in England and Wales in 2020:


Data source 


Demographic projections until the year 2056:



As for the Muslim population of the U.K.:

By 2020, estimates are that the number of Muslims attending prayers will reach at least 683,000, while the number of Christians attending weekly Mass will drop to 679,000. … While nearly half of British Muslims are under the age of 25, a quarter of Christians are over 65. “In another 20 years there are going to be more active Muslims than there are churchgoers,” said Keith Porteous Wood, director of the National Secular Society.


The U.K. is thus also somewhat preserved from replacement for now, at least at the national level. 

But what of Scandinavia's most immigrant-friendly country, Sweden?

4) Sweden


Sweden is a country that has proudly taken in massive numbers of refugees for decades. The 2015 crisis only accelerated this process. After Belgium, perhaps no nation in Europe has done so much to hasten its own demographic demise.



The indigenous vs. foreign population in 2021:



The most common countries of origin:


It can be interesting to compare Sweden with her Nordic neighbors:



As for Muslim immigration:


Fertility rates can tell us much about future demographics. Sweden and her Nordic sisters:


A study has given demographic projections for Sweden's future population:



From France to Sweden, then, the data clearly show that Western Europe is undergoing population change the likes of which it has not seen in centuries, if ever.

 *     *     *

Turkish president Recep Erdogan, addressing his fellow Turks living in Western Europe:

'I call on my citizens, on my [Muslim] brothers and sisters in Europe... Go live in the best neighborhoods. Drive the best cars. Live in the best houses. 
Don't have three children--have five! Because it's you who are the future of Europe.'

The numbers could not be more clear: A historically unprecedented demographic change is unfurling in Western Europe. In France, the U.K., Belgium, Sweden, Germany, the indigenous peoples are rolling out the red carpet for millions of ethnic, linguistic, religious, and cultural aliens. These newcomers have fertility rates which far outstrip those of the natives.

Westminster Palace, London

And in a one-man one-vote democracy, numbers mean power. Certain cities in Europe are within a few decades of non-indigenous majorities.  What happens when mayor's offices and city councils are taken over by groups hostile to the native population? What happens when Parliaments split not on ideological, but on ethnic or religious lines?

What happens when the demographics of the big cities inevitably spreads to the small towns?

Is a 'great replacement' really in store for the West? 

Only time will tell.

Thank you for reading.



exlib said...

Will it end in fire or ice?

Anonymous said...

It’s all so depressing. I also feel an incredible sense of betrayal.

Anonymous said...

The U.K. is thus also somewhat preserved from replacement for now, at least at the national level.

Your figures don't look at the massive wave of EU immigration from Eastern Europe since 2004. This was of a scale not seen before and was the chief force behind Brexit going over the line. Those figures are very important and represent replacement too.

Those people aren't 'Britons' or 'English'. And though they may cause less crime, they cause more than the natives and will absolutely have an immigrant identity and chip on their shoulder. They will act to undermine ethnic self-determination of the natives and stop immigration restriction. They have massively undermined the reproductive fitness of the natives too by undermining wage growth and housing availability as well as general social pollution of taking away a sense of ownership of social spaces.

Anonymous said...

The West is going to see a huge downturn by the later half of this century. More and more of the population will be of non European stock who will not resonate with the countries they live in. Even the western children today are highly individualistic, they won’t reproduce at high levels because of how expensive it is to live daily lives and as they desire to pursue other hobbies or careers to fulfill the void of not wanting a family. The West is a perfect example of what happens when we lose purpose and have too much luxury with little to no stressors to survive. Our gene pool becomes dysgenic due to the weaker and more mentally unstable ones surviving with how advanced medicine has gotten. Here in the US we are witnessing a Brazilification as we suffer from never ending streams of Mexican and South American border hoppers and immigration who have completely transformed states like California. Enclaves of western civilization will result here since it is large enough to create them but with European countries being rather small it’s hard to say if I can predict that same outcome.

Anonymous said...

If we are truly honest about the replacement of races, especially in America, we must acknowledge that the Nordic race, the true developer of its Republican system of government, was replaced by the inferior peoples of the Alpine and Mediterranean races. Ever since then (the early 1900s), we’ve been paying the price ever since.

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