(The coronavirus crisis has plunged some into inactivity, while others are busier than ever. We fall into the latter camp. Thus we must slightly postpone our newest article. In the meantime, as a belated celebration of International Women's Day, we offer this re-print of our piece on the conundrum of Western Woman. We hope you will find it of interest. Stay tuned next month for new material!)
[Re-post, original post here.]
Cheerleaders of mass immigration from the South to the North have a number of arguments:
1) They spice up our lives:
'I think that's what makes many Swedes jealous of immigrant groups. You have a culture, an identity, a history, something that brings you together. And what do we have? We have Midsummer's Eve and such silly things.'
---Swedish Social Democrat MP Mona Sahlin, in a speech to the Turkish youth organization Euroturk, March, 2002.
2) They boost our standard of living:
'Various surveys of [London] employers come to the predictable conclusion that migrants are better employees: they are more highly skilled, work harder and are prepared to do jobs that locals disdain. They may also be more innovative. In America they are disproportionately responsible for tech start-ups; similarly, they are over-represented in Silicon Roundabout, the tech hub east of the City, ... firms set up or managed by migrants are more innovative.'
---The Economist, opinion leader since 1843 for the elite and those who strive to join them
3) Diversity is a religious principle the Gods of Equalitarianism want us to uphold:
'I'm concerned that this increased speculation could cause a backlash against some of our Muslim soldiers ... Our diversity, not only in our Army, but in our country, is a strength. And as horrific as this tragedy was, if our diversity becomes a casualty, I think that’s worse.'
--George W. Casey, highest-ranking general in the U.S. Army, reacting to the Fort Hood army base shooting, in which a Palestinian army major cried 'Allahu Akbar!' while killing 13 and wounding 30.
One of the oddest things about such cheerleaders, especially in Europe, is their avid support of 'women's rights.' Odd, because the peoples with which they long to fill up their countries share no such notion. The proof is starting to bubble to the surface. Besides the honor killings, child marriages, genital mutilation, polygamy, and gender segregation these neo-colonists have brought to the West, they are starting to act out against the native populations. The results give pause.
I. Foreign Predation in the West
A college student, hoping to raise awareness about street harassment in Brussels, secretly filmed one of her strolls through the capital and unwittingly showed the world that her country's catcalling epidemic is not a man problem but a Muslim one:
'Sexy ass.' 'Tramp.' 'Whore.' 'You turn me on.' 'Let's have a drink...at my place...or in a hotel, directly.' Without stopping once nor looking anyone in the eye, modestly-dressed student Sophie Peeters fields a barrage of sexual propositions on her afternoon stroll through Brussels. As the hidden camera shows, every single one clearly comes from the mouth of a foreigner.
Immigrants account for only 6 % of Italians, but for an impressive 40 % of Italy’s rapes. 6.3 % of the rapes in Italy are carried out by Moroccans [who are only 0.75 % of the population]. Numbers really pack up around urban areas.
Engaging in crime: Muslims are only 4 percent of Denmark's 5.4 million people but make up a majority of the country's convicted rapists, an especially combustible issue given that practically all the female victims are non-Muslim. Similar, if lesser, disproportions are found in other crimes.
Two major reports ... show that immigrants are heavily overrepresented among criminals.... For rape the number is 450 %.. ... The largest overrepresentation in crime is displayed by immigrants from Muslim countries like Algeria, Iraq, Libya, Morocco and Tunisia as well as from Chile.
...immigrants and individuals born in Norway to immigrant parents from Africa and Asia comprise 17.4% of Oslo’s population, [and] account for 48.9% of the overall rapes, which is a huge over-representation: Individuals from Africa and Asia are four to five times more likely to commit rape than the rest of the population.
So now we know the facts, straight from the Supreme Court, that a group of Lebanese Muslim gang rapists from south-western Sydney hunted their victims on the basis of their ethnicity and subjected them to hours of degrading, dehumanising torture. The young women, and girls as young as 14, were "sluts" and "Aussie pigs", the rapists said. So now that some of the perpetrators are in jail, will those people who cried racism and media "sensationalism" hang their heads in shame? Hardly.
'You deserve it cuz you're Australian': Lebanese rape gang leader Bilal Skaf
The U.K.:
Rochdale, Rotherham, Derby, Oxford. The towns change, but the pattern is always the same. Gangs of men, mainly of Pakistani Muslim heritage, lure white girls as young as 10 with gifts and displays of affection. Next, the girl is raped as a way of “breaking her in”. Once the child’s spirit is subdued, and her mind fogged with drugs, she is sold for sex to multiple men at £200 a time. If the girl tries to break away, a gang member might threaten to behead her or firebomb her home. Mohammed Karrar, who was found guilty in the Oxford sex-grooming case this week, took a scalding hairpin and branded one girl so she would know she was his property. Later, the gang gave the same girl a DIY abortion. She was 12 years old. And this, all this, is happening in Britain now.
Rochdale victim 'Girl E' and four of her abusers
The details as reported in the Times of London beggar belief (via HBD Chick):
...Police went to a house outside which a father was demanding the release of his daughter, who was inside with a group of British Pakistani adults. Officers found the girl, 14, who had been drugged, under a bed. The father and his daughter were arrested for racial harassment and assault respectively.
...One girl, 15, spent days in hospital after a broken bottle was allegedly forced inside her by two young British Pakistani men in a park, causing her to bleed extensively…
...A 13-year-old girl was found at 3am with disrupted clothing in a house with a large group of Asian men who had fed her vodka. A neighbour reported the girl’s screams. Police arrested the child for being drunk and disorderly but did not question the men…
It has become so banal that there is now an entire online database on the Muslim rape wave in Western countries.
The numbers can seem startling. The reasons given by the perpetrators even more so:
“It’s not as wrong to rape a Swedish girl as it is to rape an Arab girl, says Hamid. The Swedish girl gets a lot of help afterwards, and she had probably been fucked already. But the Arab girl will get problems with her family. For her it is a great shame to be raped. It is important that she retains her virginity when she marries. “
“It’s far too easy to get a whore … girl, I mean,” says Hamid, and displays an embarrassed smile due to his choice of words. ... I do not have much respect for Swedish girls. You could say that they get fucked until they are broken. “(th DN 11 February 2000).
'For them [Muslim men in Norway], I think the hidjab is a symbolic marker which separates submissive proper Muslim women from what they see as "Norwegian whores." When I say "whores," I'm really just referring to their own words. This is what they've told journalists.'
-- Kristin Spitznogle, Norwegian therapist.
A Norwegian rape victim attacked by a Pakistani recounts:
'He said that he had the right to do exactly as he wanted to a woman, because that is how it was in his religion. ... Women did not have rights or opinions, he was in charge.'
The U.K.:
Back in January, there was a profoundly disturbing case at Nottingham Crown Court. Adil Rashid, who had “raped” an underage girl, was spared a prison term after the judge heard that the naïve 18-year-old attended an Islamic faith school where he was taught that women are worthless. Rashid told psychologists he had no idea that having sex with a willing 13-year-old was against the law; besides, his education had taught him to believe that “women are no more worthy than a lollipop that has been dropped on the ground”.
II. Bringing Back our 'Old' Morality?
While any sane man recoils at the thought of foreigners raping his women, there are some in the West today who find much to admire in the Muslim's no-nonsense attitude toward the fairer sex.
For example, a woman dressed this way at most times in Western history would have been assumed to be selling her sexual services:
As for this behavior, it was once seen only at the lowest rungs of society:
...today it is de rigueur for middle-class girls of good family.
When Muslim immigrants incensed by English 'decadence' set out on vigilance patrols in their neighborhoods, some British commenters welcomed the chastisement. To wit:
A string of videos under the name ‘Muslim Patrol’ recently surfaced on YouTube, showing Muslim vigilantes on night patrols in London streets. In an attempt to rid our streets of the perceived evils of democracy and secularism, one video (which has since been taken down) shows a disoriented, young man, harassed by the Sharia squad and cowed into giving alcohol as the reason for his sorry state.
Others show ... a woman hustled away from a ‘Muslim area’ because her attire contravened Islamic dress codes. ... Another clip features a group of Muslims on a prostitution purge. One man in a warden uniform tries to apprehend a female passerby, calling her a whore after a brief altercation.
Some native Brit reactions:
I don't approve of their tactics but they have a point about disgraceful behaviour of near naked women and drunken idiots collapsing in the middle of the road.
- jay, Reading
Love them or loathe them....The do have a point.....How morals have gone down the swannee over the last 40 years.....How nice things were in the early sixties.....Now anything goes.....Can you imagine allowing your daughter out at night with what goes on.....
- Ted, Teddington
I object to what they are doing in principle... And yet.....I can't be the only woman a bit fed up with the sisterhood who degrade themselves & by association (however loose) other women of their generation who are photographed half naked, peeing in the street, drunk or drugged out of their skulls, all in the name of 'having a good time'. The men not much better. I share their dislike of what is happening to our society...
- Alice, Oxfordshire
For those who look around in despair at the state of 21st century womanhood, could this injection of patriarchal morality be just what the doctor ordered? Do we nod in agreement with he who says, 'Yes, we could take a lesson from these Mohametans, and get back to our old way of dealing with women'?
While one may feel sympathy for the Western Man who pines for a return to cloistering and veiling the weaker sex, this pining is in fact ahistorical. If he is of Teutonic descent, unusually equal treatment of women is his ethnic heritage, going back centuries. It may be a trait so old and deeply rooted that the very sexual revolution he decries was, in a sense, destined to spring from it.
III. Western Woman: A different breed
Even before the Norman invasion, the Anglo-Saxons took a less proprietary attitude towards their women than may be supposed.
Keri Sanburn:
In his early second-century ethnographical treatise Germania, the Roman historian Cornelius Tacitus writes about the position of women in Germanic culture:About the later Anglo-Saxons:
These are each man's most sacred witnesses, these are his greatest supporters: it is to their mothers and to their wives that they bring their wounds; and the women do not quake to count or examine their gashes, and they furnish sustenance and encouragement to their fighters. (Ch. 7)
He continues, recording that women are highly respected by men for their history of restoring broken battle lines and helping with strategies, and tht men "even think that there is a sacred and prophetic quality in women, and so they neither reject their advice nor scorn their forecasts." (Ch. 8)
The Law of Cnut stated "neither a widow nor a maiden is to be forced to marry a man whom she herself dislikes, nor to be given for money, unless he chooses to give anything of his own free will." (Jewel 28) ... The notion that widows were well provided for is backed up by every mention of widows in the Domesday book. (Jewell 35) ...
Rape was treated as one of the most serious offenses to the law, ... it was considered to be an offence against the woman raped instead of an offense to her father or husband. ...
Many large estate holders were women; Fell claims that owners/masters of estates were "just as likely to have been female as male." (Fell 48) ... The abundance of references to land "sold by women, given away by women, inherited by women or in some other way under their control make it clear that they moved in the world of landed property with as much assurance and as full rights as the men of their family." (Fell 94-95) ...
Wiki tells us more about the English's ancestors:
A prospective husband paid money or offered land for a woman’s hand in marriage. This was paid to her directly and she had the right to do with it as she pleased. It is made clear that the marriage finances were held by both man and woman. A woman was free to leave a marriage, keeping in mind the only times divorce was documented in cases of adultery, and if the woman did leave and take the children she was entitled to half the property.
Women were classed as oath worthy and could appear as grantors, grantees and witnesses of charters. ... They received appropriate compensation for crimes that were committed against them, and the compensation was paid directly to them.
...Anglo-Saxon England was the first place in history that women had been raised to sainthood.
Marriage practices in medieval England were more favorable to women than they are in much of the Muslim world today. Alan MacFarlane, via HBD Chick:
'Throughout the period [from the 14th century], for the vast majority of the population (the top few hundred families are often an exception) marriage was ultimately a private contract between individuals. The parents had some say, but ultimately a marriage could occur without their consent or even knowledge. On the other hand, marriage could not occur without the consent of the partners. These were very old rules, from before 1300, and lasting through to the present. They emphasised that the central feature of marriage was the conjugal relationship, the depth of feeling and shared interests of the couple.'
Though she would come under greater submission after the Norman invasion, the Anglo woman remained freer than most of her sisters around the world. Her dominant spirit was mocked often in Western literature.
J. Ross Brown, in 1867:
What is the use of having wives and children if they don't relieve us of our heavy work? In that respect we Americans are very much behind the times. We pay such absurd devotion to the weakness of woman that they rule us with a despotism unknown in any other country. Their smiles are threats, and their tears are despotic manifestoes, against which the bravest of us dare not rebel. It is absolutely horrible to think of the condition of servitude in which we are placed by the extraordinary powers vested in, and so relentlessly exercised by, the women of America. I, for one, am in favor of a revival of the old laws of Nuremberg, by which female tyranny was punished.... What would the ladies do then? I think that would bring them to their senses.
Kipling is regaled by an American woman aboard ship in his 'Letters of Travel' (1892):
[American woman:] 'Well, our trouble in America is that we're being school-marmed to death. You can see it in any paper you pick up. What were those [American] men talking about just now?'
[Kipling:] 'Food adulteration, police-reform, and beautifying waste-lots in towns,' I replied promptly.
She threw up her hands. 'I knew it!' she cried. 'Our great National Policy of co-educational housekeeping! Ham-frills and pillow-shams. Did you ever know a man get a woman's respect by parading around creation with a dish-clout pinned to his coat-tails?'
'But if his woman ord----told him to do it?' I suggested.
'Then she'd despise him the more for doing it. You needn't laugh. You're coming to the same sort of thing in England.'
I returned to the little gathering. A woman was talking to them as one accustomed to talk from birth. ... She was, to put it mildly, the mother of all she-bores, but when she moved on, no man ventured to say as much. 'That's what I mean by being school-marmed to death,' said my acquaintance wickedly. 'Why, she bored 'em stiff; but they are so well brought up, they didn't even know they were bored. Some day the American Man is going to revolt.'
'And what'll the American Woman do?'
'She'll sit and cry--and it'll do her good.'
Turn-of-the-century postcards mocking suffragettes
Teutonic men have long allowed their women a freedom and status not found in most places on the globe. This attitude might even be 'baked in the cake' of the Germanic spirit. The places women's suffrage first appeared all involve Teutonics (Sweden, Australia, the U.S., the U.K....) And in the Gulf States, the heart of Islam? The female vote arrived in 2003 in Oman, 2006 in the U.A.E., and, if all goes to plan, will come in 2015 in Saudia Arabia.
The Global Index of Women's Power tells a similar tale:
(Note Scandinavians, Germanics, Anglos, Mediterraneans, Muslim non-Arabs, Muslim Arabs)
If anecdotes and indices were not enough, there is ample empirical data taken from opinion polls to convince us that the people we're importing hold widely divergent values than ours:
(A reminder of where most Muslims in the West come from: Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Turkey, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Lebanon)
From a 2013 Pew survey:
And that a great many have no intention of assimilating. A sampling of opinions of Muslims in the West:
In Canada:
The survey [conducted by the MacDonald Laurier Institute], which was released Tuesday, found 62% [of Muslims] wanted some form of Shariah law in Canada, 15% of them saying it should be mandatory for all Muslims.
In Germany:
In one study, the sociologist Wilhelm Heitmeyer and his colleagues at the University of Bielefeld (Germany) found that almost one-third of those polled agreed that Islam must become the state religion in every country. Even though they live in Europe, 56 percent declared that they should not adapt too much to Western ways, but should live by Islam. .. . .The survey showed that of Muslims living in Germany who were not German citizens [more than half of the four million Muslims in Germany], 52 percent favored integration, while 48 percent “strongly leaned toward separation” and clearly rejected German majority culture.
In Ireland:
More than a third (of Irish Muslims)—36%—would prefer Ireland to be ruled under Sharia law, while 37% would like Ireland to be governed as an Islamic state. It found 28% of young Muslims aged between 16 and 26 believe violence for political ends is sometimes justified. More than half of young Muslims—57%—believe Ireland should become an Islamic State.
In the U.K.:
In the survey of 1,003 Muslims by the polling company Populus through internet and telephone questionnaires, nearly 60% said they would prefer to live under British law, while 37% of 16 to 24-year-olds said they would prefer sharia law, against 17% of those over 55. Eighty-six per cent said their religion was the most important thing in their lives. Nearly a third of 16 to 24-year-olds believed that those converting to another religion should be executed, while less than a fifth of those over 55 believed the same. ... 32% of British Muslim students support killing for Islam; 40% want Shari'ah Law.
* * *
The U.S.'s 1920 Immigration Act (dismantled in 1965) and Australia's 'White Australia' policy (1901-1973) are proof that Westerners once tried hard to limit immigration to those with ethnic and cultural links to themselves. In the multiculturalist fervor of these last forty years, such ideas have become heresy.
Muslim immigration is literally changing the face of Europe. What they could not accomplish at Tours, Lepanto, or Vienna, they are today bringing about by simply walking in the front door--a door held wide open by the natives.
For those who might welcome the more muscled Muslim approach to male-female relations, though, a reminder: While sex relations in the West may be close to reaching total anarchy, this is most likely a case of deep-rooted Euro traits coming to their logical end in a severely outbred, high-tech, scaled-up society. Women have always had it better among the Teutonics than the Muslims. What we may lament today is the absurd feminization of Western society and all it has brought: Creeping government overreach, a weakening military, mediocre education. At the same time our post-religious world has come to not just tolerate but glorify adultery, bastardy, and general narcissism.
One may understand the shock a foreigner from a conservative culture feels the first time he crosses a 'well-bred' English girl puking into the gutter, or a gay man in assless chaps simulating fellatio on a parade floating down Main Street.
Western Humanism's inevitable endgame?
But for those who might be tempted to reach for spiritual renewal in the arms of Islam, a warning: This way of thinking grew up in lands far different from ours. Just like our attempts to implant English Liberal Democracy across the gobe often fall laughably short, we should beware the poisoned gifts of foreign ideologies.
Of one thing we can be sure: In a one-person one-vote democracy, demography is destiny. Import enough people who wish to transform your society, and they will eventually vote--successfully--to do so. Perhaps some Westerners dream about a Muslim future for their country, thinking 'It cannot possibly be worse than this.--Western woman is degraded, the family is dying, morality has disappeared.' Perhaps. But there is a chance the problem will self correct, if JayMan's theory is right--that the only Whites replacing themselves these days are the conservatives.
What is the solution to the problem of Western Womanhood? Whatever the cure to our current malaise, TWCS argues that ideally it should come from us--not from the imposition of a foreign philosophy, nor from our replacement by a foreign people.
Christianity teaches that women are to be loved.
I'll be honest: there have been times that I have wondered if Islam could do a better job of running the place than the current fools. Their societies tend toward totalitarianism, which can stifle scientific development and certainly cripples the creative arts. I'm not sure if it would be worth the price.
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