31 March 2020

Back online soon!

After a long but needed break due to research and side projects, we are planning to be back publishing new articles next month.

Thanks to all regular readers for your patience. We hope you've enjoyed some of the earlier pieces we've been re-publishing in the interim.

Stay tuned for new content soon!


sabre said...

Looking forward to the return. Every time I saw an article pop up in my RSS I was hoping you were back...

Mr. Rational said...

Take your time, MG.  An omelet is not food until the eggs have set.  The next post will take however long it takes.

Artur said...

Bonjour MG : Arturo here. I'm stranded in Paris. As you may have noticed, I've been a little out of touch lately - at least insofar as Crimes of the Times is concerned. I might get back to it, I might not, haven't made up my mind yet. .../... How is life in your part of the South of ... Austria ? .../... Hey if you don't mind my saying : given the importance of your blog, might I suggest that the recurring formula "After a long but needed break due to research and side project".... might be TMI? IOW : there's no need to put that in there. It sounds a bit defensive, like an excuse where nobody asked for one. I know that when I personally go to thosewhocansee.blogspot.com and see that disclaimer / "gone fishing" sign, I do feel a little (lot) let down.
Might it not be better to say nothing ?

Hail said...

M.G., I look forward to your return to active publishing!

Do you comment at the Unz Review under "MG"?