Gregory Rodriguze (via Steve Sailer):
Latinos, whose history has been one of mixture and among whom mestizos are the rule rather than the exception, understand hybridity, a notion that America's discourse on race desperately lacks. ... Perhaps once we have fully adopted the concept of mestizaje into our racial dialogue, we will recognize that Los Angeles is well on its way to becoming a mestizo metropolis.
As goes Los Angeles, so goes the nation? Rodriguez, and many like him, seem to be anxiously awaiting the future browning of America. Is it coming?
The model most bandied about is that of South America, specifically Brazil. Why Brazil and not Mexico? While Mexico has West Euros and Native Indians, it is largely missing Afros. But Brazil has all three. So does the U.S. It is thus assumed that if the U.S. continues to let in tens of millions of mestizo (largely Indian) Mexicans, its demographic and, perhaps, political future will resemble that of Brazil.
Is this a viable hypothesis? On what assumptions is it based?
I. Inter-marriage