It is with extreme embarassment that I admit that although I was surprised by the total lack of comments on the last few posts, I thought, 'so it goes, people are busy, it's a quiet few weeks.'
Turns out Blogger was not sending e-mail alerts for each new comment as it should, and I blithely didn't check the 'comments awaiting moderation' box.
I have thus let pile up in limbo a slew of thoughtful comments from thoughtful people. I beg your pardon for this technical bêtise; as I have mentioned before, tech is not my friend. And I shall set about reading them at once.
If your not careful, the DNC will have you counting republican votes ,,,
"...and, according to M.G.'s calculations, Romney has won a resounding 0%...though there's a chance a few hundred million votes have been mislaid under a couch cushion..."
Bonjour MG :
This is why I think you should just choose to not moderate comments.
After all you can always delete anything offensive after it is posted.
It's not like you go very long without monitoring what is said on this forum. (Which is deservedly gaining in popularity).
I have to admit I find it courageous that sites like theroot.com by Henry Skip Gates and yourblackplanet.com not only do not moderate comments (they go up right away), a lot of times they allow even the most outrageously racist and dissenting comments to stay up.
This might be simply an oversight on their part, though.
I have to admit too that I was a little surprised you didn't reply with your usual swiftness to my comment on the whole "La télé éclaire l'esprit de vos enfants" thing.
Frankly I was hoping you would find this info so interesting that you would do the homework yourself, and figure out the name of the film in question.
When you didn't, I guess in my inner mind I thought: "Well maybe that wasn't so interesting after all," and let it go.
But now that you have replied (two posts down), which I thank you for, I have re-newed interest in the subject, and am putting my backpack and hiking boots on right now. I am going to go trekking through cyberspace to find that film and, time permitting, grab a screen shot of the scene in question.
Stand by camarade !
- Arturo
Can you do something on Native Americans? I'm looking for good arguments to rebut the assertion that "we stole the continent" and "have no right to it" especially when it comes to immigration restriction or even trying to say that there is (or was) an American people.
Bonjour à Nouveau MG :
I just spent the last three infuriating hours scouring the internet and youtube for this ga-dang film I was telling you about.
I was pretty sure it was by Rohmer; it does not appear to be in his filmography however.
Nor does it appear to be by any of the other big names in French cinéma.
This is driving me crazy.
Again, the plot is simple: it's kind of a squishy drama, set to Mozart:
the prolo ébéniste type has a young wife and two young chirren.
He starts flirting with this girl at the Poste (that's where the famous, in my eyes anyways, scene of the government-funded "LA télévision éclaire l'esprit de vos enfants" poster was spotted. (SPOOKY!).
Eventually the wife during a family picnic walks off in a daze, and is later found daid.
The audulterous hubby then lives happily ever after with la postière chick, set to Mozart.
Early to mid-60s, I'm pretty sure.
I spotted it while spending a lot of time watching the ridiculous and obnoxious PIerrot le Fou, and films by Roehmer (I coulda swore it was a Rohmer flick).
Wow, I thought my search skills were better than this.
Any thoughts on how to track this film down?
- Arturo
FOUND IT !!!!!!
Le Bonheur d'Agnès Varda (une meuf je cois), 1965
Stand by for the famous poster in question.
- Arturo
I'd never seen it or heard of it, but there is many a groovy poster for it, like here or here, and the soundtrack here.
I see lots of stills for it, but not any with the infamous "télé éclaire les esprits" poster. Are you sure the whole thing wasn't a temporary hallucination? One way to find out, I could try to rent it and pause it at that scene...but I'm getting the feeling that no one has ever thought to put that image online...
Go here :
Go to exactly the last second (13:29) of this 13:30" clip.
I did my best at getting a screen grab and posted it on COTT.com.
Please let me know if you can get a cleaner screen capture.
I've been obsessing about this poster since I first spotted it!
- Arturo
MG :
I was starting to think it WAS an hallucination.
That's why I spent all afternoon tracking down the evidence.
Now if I could just get this canister with the proof in it to the FBI before the guys in the black van outside get to me first !
Please let me know if you can get a cleaner screen capture.
Wow, no hallucination. What a memory you have. It's bedtime in France, but I shall try for the screencap tomorrow. If I can make it clear, I'll send it along to you. Bonne nuit.
You can hyperlink to a specific point in a YouTube video. Here is a link to the view of the poster:
To Harry:
"Can you do something on Native Americans? I'm looking for good arguments to rebut the assertion that "we stole the continent" and "have no right to it" especially when it comes to immigration restriction or even trying to say that there is (or was) an American people."
I just tell people that "they lost".
"When in history has the weaker tribe every won?"
I say that I'm proud to be part of the victorious tribe, but the Dakota Indians should also be proud, because they lasted the longest and even managed to get some reservations by holding out so long.
Then I say that the Dakota should be proud to still be here, as they lasted long enough.
I'm looking for good arguments to rebut the assertion that "we stole the continent" and "have no right to it"
But we did steal it. Just as the Natives stole it from those who came before them, who in turn stole it from others, and so on back to homo sapiens sapiens #1. History's an endless string of conquests.
The Indians fought like hell to keep us off their lands, as well they should've. Chapeau to them. But they lost. Many have acknowledged the Euros' superiority and are now patriotic Americans. (David Yeagley's an extreme example of the type.) But we've no moral high ground on that score.
Re: immigration and the 'American people'--a nation is indeed a people, not a swath of ground. No Native tribe had even come close to creating the nation the English brought here, not philosophically, legally, culturally, scientifically, artistically, or technologically. Indians today could live free of all the white man's impositions, they have sovereign territories--no electrical grids, flush toilets, antibiotics, motor vehicles...strangely none of them choose to do so.
As for Mexican immigrants, their 'aztlan' arguments are simply ahistorical. They have no roots in our territory. If their native lands are so marvelous, why are they fleeing them by millions? What is so magical about the other side of the Rio Grande? It is run by ethnic North Euros, that's what. If Comanches, Cherokees, et al. were still in charge up here, these waves of Aztecs would arrive to find civilizations even more primitive than their own. No dialysis machines, no Ford Broncos. There'd be no draw at all.
Nutshell: We beat them, plain and simply. Millions of Hispanics are currently beating us--and they're using our own weapons to do so. See Hail to You's piece on how it'd have looked if Natives had taken the same milquetoast stance towards us that we're taking today.
I don't find a contact to the owner of this blog anywhere.
I was just wondering, how selective are you in the works you publish here?
The article on black students in US schools was very interesting to me, because we have the same problem in Sweden.
Those who come here are explained with "no tradition of schooling", much like slaves were during the 19th century, their kids who has lived here their entire lives, also don't do well, and this is because of "cultural differences".
And so on, every excuse in the book is used.
The article on black students in US schools was very interesting to me, because we have the same problem in Sweden.
It COULD NOT BE! The Blank Slate theory prohibits it, and anything else is Racist™!
Is there a contact for the maker of this blog though?
Sure, the contact is tchatstilles @ gmail.com. It's over there on the sidebar, but way far down.
"I'm looking for good arguments to rebut the assertion that 'we stole the continent' and 'have no right to it'"
But we did. Just like the Yamato people stole Japan from the Ainu and Ryukuans, black Africans stole much of central Africa from the pygmies and southern Africa from the Khoisan, and the Austronesians stole the islands between southeast Asia and Australia from the negritos.
"Conquest" and "genocide" in history are actually pretty common. What does everyone think happened to Neanderthal man, Denisovans, and Homo Erectus?
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