26 August 2012

Diversity and the North, Yesterday and Today

Paul Kersey at SBPDL has been informing us better than anyone about the housing merry-go-round on which Afros and Euros have been riding for forty years.

Humans have a way of sniffing out their own interests, platitudes be damned. If you want to know what a man believes, don't watch his lips; watch his feet.  The young urban White may boast of his 'edgy' neighborhood (enduring daily street crime makes him more authentic), but come baby-making time, he finds his way to paler pastures with startling speed. The only 'diversity' which interests him past this point is of the Chinese, Indian, or talented-tenth Mulatto variety.

Given that this gentleman cheers the loudest about the joys of racial mixing, and weeps the most bitterly before maps like these,

...whence this paradox?  While his mouth is singing 'Fair Housing Act' hosannas, his feet are doing the 'Restrictive Covenant' two-step.

We know why: Afros bring down property values. And for good reason. From a Euro perspective, they don't make good neighbors.  Their children tend to commit more crime, as do their adults, they make transport unpleasant, degrade swimming pools, chase out merchants, shut down nightclubs, disrupt cinemas, mistreat animals, volunteer less, litter more, weaken schools, cripple school boards, waste police resources, and generally make life less pleasant for their white neighbors than it was before their arrival.

Since the Brits' ill-fated decision to import Africans to this land, the 98% of Euro-Americans who haven't own slaves have been forced to live with its consequences.  Broadly speaking, three approaches have been tried: (1) segregation de jure (the old South), (2) segregation de facto (the old North), and (3) attrition (today). 

We are all familiar with the South's de jure approach, their state lawmakers seeing to it that schools, housing, transport, and public accomodations existed in 'white' and 'colored' versions.  This apartheid system and its architects have been throughly villainized in all modern textbooks.

We may be less familiar with the old North.  Those of us born there have been told all our lives how warmly we opened our arms to these suffering Afros, saving them from the noose or at least the colored water fountain. 

Or did we.

Enlightened souls in Northern state houses may have decreed a color-blind paradise, but to the man on the street it mattered little.  The fact is that then as now, most Euros did not enjoy their encounters with Afros (especially those newly arrived from the South), and did what they could to avoid them.

I. Northern sentiment, yesterday: Snapshots

First, a few headlines from East Coast newspapers to give a sense of public sentiment (1):

"Boston, March 23. Refusing to associate with Dr. Melissa Thompson, a Negress of North Carolina, who has been appointed a physician in the maternity department of the New England Hospital for Women and Children in Roxbury, five young white women doctors sent in their resignation." (Baltimore Sun, March 24, 1911.)

"Boston, Sept. 8. Here where years ago a mob of exclusive Back Bay residents stormed the old courthouse to free a Negro from his Southern master, descendants of the Back Bay rescuers today are fighting against serving as election supervisors with a Negro, whose appointment became known Wednesday." (Baltimore American, Sept. 9, 1911.)

"Ithaca, N. Y., March 28. The petition of more than 200 women in Cornell University against the admission of [Negro] women into the only dormitory in the University has been forwarded to President Schurman." (Washington Times, March, 28, 1911.)

"New York, July 2. Twenty teachers, about half the staff at Public School No. 125, in Wooster Street, Manhattan have applied for transfers, owing to the assignment by the Board of Education of William L. Burkley (mulatto) as head of the school." (Baltimore Sun, July 3, 1909.)

"Burlington, Vermont, dislikes the idea of having the Tenth Cavalry at Fort Ethan Allen. The Tenth happens to be a colored regiment and the prospect of having 1200 Negro soldiers within three miles of the city is greatly exciting many of the people of Burlington." (Democrat and News, Cambridge, Md., Sept. 3, 1909.)

"Akron, Ohio, August 13. A serious race riot may take place if notices posted on the homes of North Side Negroes last night by members of a citizens' 'Vigilance league' in that section of the city, who have warned the Negroes that unless they sell their property and leave that section of the city, they will be forcibly evicted from their homes, which are also threatened with destruction.

"Members of the 'Vigilance league' declare today that the Negroes are practicing a form of blackmail by buying property in the fashionable residence district of North Hill, which they occupy until their white neighbors pay an exorbitant price for their property to get rid of them."  (Baltimore American, Aug. 14, 1913.)

"York, Pa., Aug. 20. Dr. George W. Bowles, a Negro physician, has started a movement here for the segregation of his race. Bowles believes that Negroes would be better taken care of if in one part of the town. Now the blacks are housed in the alleys and few are permitted to rent houses on the main streets." (Baltimore Sun, Aug. 21, 1913.)

II. Northern sentiment, yesterday: Case study--Chicago

 Race-based exclusion was officially illegal in most northern cities, but what could a Black man expect to encounter in his day-to-day life?  Let us take an example of a large northern city, Chicago.

After the 1919 Chicago race riots (38 dead, 537 injured), a bi-racial committee of civic leaders spent two years investigating race relations in the city.  Their final report, 'The Negro in Chicago' (2), illuminates the question in exhaustive detail. Highlights:

1) Housing

The Chicago Commission on Race Relations (CCRR):
When a Negro family moves into a block in which all other families are white, the neighbors object. This objection may express itself in studied aloofness, in taunts, warnings, slurs, threats, or even the bombing of their homes. [...] It matters little what type of citizens the Negro family may represent, what their wealth or standing in the community is ... their appearance is a signal of depreciation.

Whites used restrictive covenants, a contract stipulating the buyer of one's home would re-sell it only to other Whites.  In the North, where housing segregation was not officially sanctioned, the practice was widespread.  In Chicago:

2) Public Parks

Separate racial grouping is the general rule at the beaches, though it is not always voluntary. At the Thirty-eighth Street Beach, for example, Negroes are prevented by white boys and the park policeman from going into the water, according to a Negro playground director...... At the Diversey Beach in Lincoln Park both races go in the water, but a Lincoln Park representative said that the few Negroes who used this beach kept by themselves on one part of the beach, though there was no official rule compelling them to do this.

[...] The representative of the South Park Commission said that in the South Park district the parents were opposed to race contacts in swimming- and wading-pools. "Not 10 per cent of the families will allow contact with Negroes in the pools," he said. 

The authors describe repeated brutal gang attacks of white boys against blacks, which discouraged the latter from using city park facilities.  Who were these Whites?

The director of the Negro branch of Community Service of Chicago ascribed the trouble to the same source. He said that most of the white boys came to Washington Park from the "Ragen's Colts" Club, that some of them went to poolrooms where the mischief was hatched.

They were in fact the Irish immigrants who also lived in great numbers on Chicago's South Side.  And the law appeared to be on their side:

The members of so-called "athletic clubs," whose rooms usually border on the park, are the worst offenders in this respect. If they do not reflect the community feeling they are at least tolerated by it, as nothing is done to suppress them. Some park authorities that have made sincere efforts to have these [Irish] hoodlums punished are discouraged because they get no co-operation from the courts, and the policeman who takes the boy to court gets a reprimand, while the boy is dismissed.

3) Restaurants

The law required restaurants to serve all races. To discourage Afros from returning, diverse tactics were employed: pretending not to see them, giving shoddy service, moving them to the rear, serving spoiled or tampered food, over-charging, hiding them from other clients.  Anecdotes gathered:

From one of Chicago's large cafeteria chains:

A few nights later, I noticed two young, well-mannered colored girls at a nearby table. As I went out I met the manager and said to him, "Do many Negroes come here to eat?" He said, "No, occasionally they come in, but they don't come back more than once, or at most twice." "How do you manage it ? " "Well, under the law, we can't refuse to let them eat, but we can charge them any price we like. The first tune we charge them enough to keep them from coming back. Then if they persist and come again, as soon as they go down the line, I see to it that something is put in their food which makes it taste bad — salt or Epsom salts. They never come back after that." After a pause he added, "You know we are within the law. We can't have them coming here — it would ruin our trade."

Black interviewees:

Miss B. S. met a friend and went into the Cafeteria on Lake Street, near State, upstairs. They were served, but the waiter put screens around their table while they were eating. 

In May, 1921, I [black interviewee] went to a lunchroom on Van Buren Street to get a lunch at noon. Six or seven men were at the counter, and were served as fast as they came in. Finally all seats were filled and three waiters were doing nothing, so I asked to be served. The waiter pretended not to hear me, then said roughly, "What do you want?" I said, "I do not know until I get a bill of fare." He pitched it at me and I asked for some baked beans. He stuck his head through the chef's window and gave my order. He brought me a plate on which were fourteen beans, and one small roll. I asked for a glass of water and he brought me a half-glass. I asked for butter (which had been served with two rolls to white patrons) and he said it would cost me a nickel. He said with emphasis, "It will cost you a nickel."

A tea room manager, paraphrased:

Negro patrons are infrequent, and there has been no noticeable increase. After many cases, complaint is made by white patrons, either in person or by letter, to the effect that if the tea room caters to Negroes, the white patrons will no longer use it. They had never known of a case of objectionable conduct but whites simply objected to their presence.

Three restaurant managers are interviewed:

1) The manager of one tea room is a young woman of considerable experience. She was emphatic in saying that Negroes were not wanted, and that every effort would be made to discourage their coming. Considerable personal feeling was manifested in her statements.

2) Not enough Negroes can afford to pay the prices in high-grade restaurants to make them a real problem, and stray cases are handled as they appear. The effort was made to make them feel uncomfortable so they would not return. Slow service, indifferent attention were given, but there was no overcharging, and no spoiling of food.

3) Had never observed any objectionable conduct. Objections of white patrons was only reason. Especially difficult in summer, when many southern white people come to Chicago as a summer resort.

4) Cinema and theatre

Black investigators 'secret shopped' several cinemas and theatres.  Never refused entry, but were usually sold seats in the balcony, even when places on the floor were free.

Theatre manager interviewed:

Usually had complaints from white patrons if they found a Negro seated near them, especially if there were ladies in the party. It was not that the conduct of the Negroes was objectionable, but their mere presence was objectionable. If Negroes present tickets for the best main-floor seats, ushers try to put them in less conspicuous places. If they insist on taking their seats as shown on tickets, nothing can be done. If white patrons object, every effort is made to change their seats. Usual objection is offensive odor and proximity.


Reports of investigators indicate that the managers of movies are convinced that their main floors, at least, should be guarded against Negroes. In most of the commercial amusement places, Negroes seldom have difficulty if they are willing to sit in the balcony, though attempts are frequently made to seat them on the aisles next to the walls, even when there are center seats empty.  It is rare that any report is obtained of objections by white patrons to the actual presence of Negroes when they are well-mannered, well-dressed, and appreciative auditors.

5) Shops


Department-store managers questioned by investigators concerning their Negro patronage and the use of Negro girls as clerks, stated that the public had definite preferences, and probably would not willingly tolerate Negroes either as patrons or as clerks. In stores selling general merchandise, courteous treatment is, as a rule, accorded to Negro patrons, although there are occasional annoying incidents.

Two black investigators are refused entry to a restroom on the 9th floor of an office building home to some clothing shops. They interview the building manager:

I related the incident to him. He told me that the attendant had informed me correctly, that the eleventh-floor restroom was reserved for "white folks" and that "colored folks" were not allowed to use it. They could use a restroom on the nineteenth floor set aside for colored employees of the building, and for any "colored folks" who might come into the building. He said it was one of the "iron-clad rules of the man who owned the building," and that "the attendant had it down in black and white." 

An anecdote about a wealthy Black:

The wife of a prominent Negro attorney went into a State Street candy store and was flatly refused service. Her husband brought suit and got damages.

5) Employment


Several important industries in Chicago have not yet employed Negroes. The traction companies (both elevated and surface) do not employ them as conductors, motormen, guards, or ticket agents. The large State Street department stores have no Negro clerks, and taxicab companies do not employ colored drivers. In these industries, which depend directly upon the public for patronage, it is to be expected that the employing of Negro help will be determined by the employer's views of the wishes of his patrons.

[...] The employment managers of five State Street department stores made the following statements:

1. Our customers would object to colored salespeople, I am sure.

2. We have never employed any Negroes in our Chicago establishments. I don't care to go into the matter. It will not do you any  good and will not do us any good.

3. Customers and white employees would object if they were used as clerks.

4. No Negroes are ever employed because we have sufficient white applicants.

5. If we ever tried using Negroes as clerks the white workers would make trouble, I am sure of that. Our customers would object. A good many are from the South and would make trouble even if Chicago people did not. 

[For an equally detailed look at the question but in a small-town environment, see Frank F Lee's 1962 'Negro and White in Connecticut Town'. (3)]

III. Northern sentiment, today: Attrition?

Today, through aggressive civil and legal action, both the South's de jure and the North's de facto segregation have been mostly quashed.

For those Euros who want to sharply limit their interactions with Afros, what recourse is left?


Restrictive covenants were killed by 1948's Shelley v. Kramer decision and the 1968 Fair Housing Act.  With no legal tool to keep Afros from their neighborhoods, Whites took to their heels and ran. And as Blacks followed, filling up their suburban neighborhoods, they fled again. Section 8 vouchers now have white Americans permanently on the run.


As schools are tied to neighborhoods, white family flight is the most common.  Those obliged to stay in the city limits--for example, Chicago policemen--will pay any price, even one they cannot afford, to send their kids to private schools..  Those who live in the suburbs ('good schools!') must waste thousands of dollars on long daily commuting.


Today the EEOC polices all  government contractors, insuring racial quotas are met, as well as harassing other private companies until they sufficiently 'diversify.' (The quality, skills, and experience of the applicants in question have no part in this matter.)

They have also made (or threatened to make) it impossible to rely on IQ tests, criminal background checks, high school diplomas, or credit checks when screening job applicants.

Firing an incompetent black employee risks endless lawsuits.  And so we 'flee' again--'flee' from hiring blacks if we at all can, and, in the event we hire them and they don't work out, resigning ourselves to inefficiency rather than risk it all going head-to-head with the bottomless pockets of government lawyers.


De-segregated public transport has in some cities created a kind of 'white transport flight'. Atlanta's 36% white population has so thoroughly abandoned the train system that its acronym, MARTA, is now said to mean 'moving Africans rapidly through Atlanta.'

As was the case one hundred years ago, Euro-Americans are still subjected to regular vexation by their Afro brethren on all forms of public transport.


As Afros themselves often advise, for our own safety we avoid any big events with a large black presence, be it Fourth of July fireworks, trick-or-treating, Easter egg hunts, concerts, open-air film screenings, state fairs, culture expos, water parks, or sales events.


As Afros have now been given the freedom to elect their own, we alternate laughing and shaking our heads at the chicanery their elected officials get up to, while fleeing their governance whenever possible.

Northern sentiment, tomorrow: Past is prologue?

As W.H. Collins reported one hundred years back, southern segregation laws grew up gradually in the post-Reconstruction period. The preamble to Virginia's 1912 law begins:

"Whereas the preservation of the public morals, public health, and public order, in the cities and towns of this Commonwealth is endangered by the residence of white and colored people in close proximity to one another: therefore, be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia," etc. (1)

Collins, a pro-segregationist, says:

In association among races, unless there is some strong cementing influence to counteract it, friction is likely to occur between them in proportion to racial difference. [...] So, in the last analysis, the most potent reason for the segregation of the whites and the Negroes is their unlikeness. For they are antipodal in the extreme.

South Africa is another country home to large groups of NW Europeans and Sub-Saharan Africans, and the recent results of black rule and 'integration' there can only be qualified as catastrophic.

The U.S. is nowhere near such a situation. But the white flight merry-go-round on which we all spin (even those claiming otherwise) will not keep up forever. The middle class has been eviscerated these last thirty years. Whites fleeing black dysfunction are finding they have fewer places to run. White suburbs have broken off of black cities and incorporated, only to find themselves sued for breach of civil rights.  Small towns are being sued for being insufficiently diverse.  And according to journalist Stanley Kurtz, President Obama is planning an unprecedented attack on America's suburbs:

One approach is to force suburban residents into densely packed cities by blocking development on the outskirts of metropolitan areas, and by discouraging driving with a blizzard of taxes, fees, and regulations. Step two is to move the poor out of cities by imposing low-income-housing quotas on development in middle-class suburbs. Step three is to export the controversial “regional tax-base sharing” scheme currently in place in the Minneapolis–St. Paul area to the rest of the country. Under this program, a portion of suburban tax money flows into a common regional pot, which is then effectively redistributed to urban, and a few less well-off “inner-ring” suburban, municipalities.

Our modern strategy of 'attrition' seems to be reaching its end.

*       *       *

America's integration experiment is still very young. Forced daily contact between ethnic groups who consider themselves quite different has been tried in many times and places. At best it has provoked friction; at worst, genocidal violence. One could argue solidly for each of the three strategies mentioned (de jure segregation, de facto segregation, attrition).  We suspect that a new chapter in American race relations will open soon. If it looks the same as that which unfolded between 1965 and 2010, we will be very surprised indeed.


(1) Collins, W.H., The Truth about the Negro and Lynching in the South, New York: Neale Publishing Co., 1918.
(2) Chicago Commission on Race Relations, 'The Negro in Chicago', Chicago: U. of Chicago Press, 1922.
(3) Lee, Frank F., Negro and White in Connecticut Town, New York: Bookman, 1961.


rjp said...

Great piece M.G.

You should consider submitting to some of the more traffic-ed sites.

Mustapha Mond said...

Fascinating post. The way we were, and the way we may become again perhaps?

The racial map of Chicago is revealing. Look at the northern half, you see Seattle or San Francisco. Look at the southern half, you see Detroit. Also interesting how the Hispanic population separates white from black in so many places.

M.G. said...

Thank you for reading and for the encouragement. This is an extremely sensitive subject; I'm not sure which sort of sites I could submit it to--like American Renaissance or VDare?

M.G. said...

Thank you.

I briefly lived in Chicago, and it is one of the most segregated cities I've known. If you wander onto a red line 'L' (subway) platform around 6:00 p.m., no need to look at the signs, the sea of black faces is the south-bound platform and the sea of white faces is going north.

Eric Fischer's site of racial maps of U.S. cities is a treasure trove. A pretty compelling refutation of the multicultist's fantasies. Ethnic/racial groups self-segregate, always have, always will. And the two groups that separate oil-and-water style are Euros and Afros. Hispanics (yellow dots) tend to mix more, esp. with Whites, and Asians (green dots) mix around quite a lot.

Where are we headed? Parts of today's America are no doubt unrecognizable to people from 50 years ago. Fifty years hence, will de facto/de jure segregation come back? Will we be Brazil Norte? Uncharted waters lay ahead, that's for sure.

jeanne said...

And now the Africans are vectoring out to the Rocky Mountain states with Section 8 vouchers. I can't believe it..my 99% white town is flooded with young black women and a handful of men. It's all the "affordable housing" that's gone up in recent years. It was supposed to be for our own poor, but of course there was not enough demand.

Build it and the Section 8ers will come.

Anonymous said...

jeanne, spend some time watching. take down residence addresses. note regular hangouts. watch for patterns of behavior.

if you can get legal cause to file nuisance complaints against the sec 8 landlords, good. shut them down if you can. make sure health inspections are done, revoke certs of occupancy and empty the buildings.

whatever information you collect may give you other ideas too.

M.G. said...

I'm sorry to hear about the invasion. Subsidized housing goes back to the 1930s, but this Section 8 voucher program only started in the 1970s. When segregation laws and legally enforceable restrictive covenants disappeared, the way to avoid undesirable neighbors was to move to a place they couldn't afford.

No more! Those vouchers, which only took their current form in 1998, are like a virus, you can run but you can't hide. As Anon says, you can file nuisance complaints, but why are hard-working, tax-paying people being forced to do this? I keep thinking if there's anything that will awaken blind progressives from their slumber, it's Section 8, but so far that doesn't seem to be the case...

Anthony said...

History: Oregon banned negros and mulattos from residence or property ownership in its Constitution. The provision was adopted at statehood, and repealed in 1925.

Anonymous said...

People will awaken if there's any major shock, and if Dr. Kent Moors is right, we are headed for the mother of all shocks sooner rather than later, maybe before the election.

Mustapha Mond said...

MG, speaking of Brazil, that country just killed its chances of being a great 21st c. power:


Somewhere the Chinese are laughing. One less competitor.

Dewey said...

The comments on the linked SWPL article are hilarious!

"Boy this was one of the most offensive things I've read in awhile...basically what you are saying is that although you live in a crappy place among crappy people, you are willing to do it because you get to buy things on the cheap...so viva la Bronx!

And whenever someone says "not to bring race into it" They are, in fact, bringing race into it.

There is nothing wrong with saying who lives where. Yes, there are Hispanics and African Americans, and Asians, and Caucasians (like me), (and some of them are poor folk) living around Fordham, but as soon as you say "not to bring race into it" you are doing the equivalent of the little old lady who has to whisper the word "black."

And keep buying those low priced items that are probably made in sweat shops off the backs of people here and abroad (although I admit, that is a hard one to remedy and get around.)

Come off your high horse missy, you're no better than the anyone else. In fact, you're worse. Much much worse."

Those who can not see are so funny!
They twist their heads in somersaults up their own keysters..


M.G. said...

That article is a goldmine of delusion.

The law obligates public universities to assign their spots in accordance with the racial makeup of each of Brazil’s 26 states and the capital, Brasília. ... Brazil’s 2010 census showed that a slight majority of this nation’s 196 million people defined themselves as black or mixed-race

As you said--China must be rubbing their hands with glee.

“Try finding a black doctor, a black dentist, a black bank manager, and you will encounter great difficulty,” Mr. da Silva said. “It’s important, at least for a span of time, to guarantee that the blacks in Brazilian society can make up for lost time.”

Lost time? Slavery ended in 1888 in Brazil, and no apartheid system such as the U.S.'s or S. Africa's was ever set up. What exactly have all these nascent black doctors, dentists, and bank managers been waiting for? But fear not, there's more to come:

“Brazil is experiencing an extremely positive moment,” said Ms. Bairros, the minister promoting racial equality. “Next, we will seek to extend this concept to other areas, like culture and jobs.”

Adeus, Brazil, we hardly knew ye.

M.G. said...

Yes, trying to see the world through their eyes is like putting on those crazy kaleidoscope glasses. I liked 'Jose R. Mejia':

This is, quite seriously, the most disgusting piece of internet drivel I've ever had the displeasure of reading. I'm insulted on all the levels that matter to me as a human being... as a writer, as a scholar of urbanism, and as a born and raised resident of the Bronx.

...everything from your word choice and tone to the points you choose to touch upon screams of white privilege, classism, a hint of engrained racism.

I peg this guy at 85%+ Spanish blood.

M.G. said...

Re: Anthony's comment on the Oregon constitution excluding Afros, this page is an excellent sum-up of the northern attitude towards Blacks during the slavery era.

Mustapha Mond said...

MG - what's also funny/sad about the Brazilian law is Mr. da Silva's comment that it's "at least for a span of time."

Our experience with AA in America is that it's FOREVER. Forget about "a span of time." Holder this year practically admitted that.

Poor Brazilians - do they have any idea what they're in for?

Ernest said...

This is great work! Thanks for your research!

Dewey said...

The Irish Savant has a good entry:

"What Must be Done":
"Most people on this blog would suggest that blacks and Muslims and the whole mass immigrations/ miscegenation agenda are symptoms of the problem, with Uberjuden/NWO types the cause. I don’t really agree with this. The real cause is White collective weakness, laziness and inattention. The good news is that we can change that. Remember we’re telling and trying to expose the truth. Our opponents’ arguments are based on a mass of grotesque lies that will shrivel if exposed to the light. Once exposed their power will crumble."

With all the evidence we have, we must prevent with strong force of argument all White nations from becoming like Brazil.

Because if we don't, the morass you see in Brazil will be the future of every majority White nation.

Now that we can see, the time is for action in our communities.

M.G. said...

Precisely, all the original proponents of A.A. in the U.S. thought it would last ten to fifteen years! Oh what naiveté in retrospect...

Thank you for reading.

M.G. said...

I think he's right on the money about 'weakness, laziness, and inattention.' What worries me is that we may have inadvertently bred these traits into ourselves (or into a large number of ourselves). If so, this 'hyper-altruism' or 'pathological altruism' may end up sealing our fate, and spelling the end of ethnic NW Europeans. (That is the 'catastrophe scenario,' and I hope it is wrong.)

rjp said...


This might be a little to real for either Amren and VDare.

rjp said...

Maybe Taki's or Lawrence Auster's View from the Right?

M.G. said...

Thanks for the suggestions. Taki does have an interesting and trafficked venue. I'm going to look into this.