13 February 2012



It's moving time in this neck of the woods, so we will be sans internet for a bit.

Catch up on some old-school HBD-reading with...

* Races and Immigrants in America, by John R. Commons (1907). (We have looked before at this fine, clear-eyed analysis of the immigrant waves from southern and eastern Europe flooding into the U.S. in the 19th century.  Was turning off the tap in 1924 the wise choice?)

Why not peruse some of the original race scientists?  You've been told they're bogeymen, imbeciles, génocidaires.  Nonsense.  Have a look.

* The Races of Europe, A Sociological Study, by W.Z. Ripley (1900)

* The Racial Basis of European History, by Madison Grant (1921)

* The Races of Europe, by Carleton Coon (1939)

Some old-school thoughts on Ancient Rome:

* The Grandeur That Was Rome, by J.C. Stobart (1912)

* Race Mixture in the Roman Empire, by Tenney Frank (1916)

Thoughts on the Afro question:

* The Philadelphia Negro, W.E.B. DuBois's exhaustively-researched contribution to the 19th century corpus on 'the Negro question.' (1899)

* Lynching: History and Analysis, Dwight Murphey's thought-provoking monograph on the controversial practice.  Recommended reading for Black History Month. (1995)

The female question:

* Sexual Utopia in Power.  F. Roger Devlin in simple, colorful terms explains the Sexual Revolution as to a visitor from another realm. Very highly recommended. (2006)

* If you haven't yet perused the HBD Reading List website, don't hesitate.  A one-of-a-kind online resource with links to works on every HBD-related topic under the sun, from Aristotle to Arthur Jensen.

* An entire website with hundreds of old-time travelogues.  (17th-20th centuries)  A treasure trove of observations on the world's peoples, from the time when people could speak plainly.  We especially recommend Letters of Travel, 1892-1913, by Rudyard Kipling. From Seattle to Yokohama to the Nile, reading as pure pleasure.

Finally, for a smile, why not see Charles Dickens' rather curmudgeonly 1853 take on the vaunted Noble Savage so à la mode in his day?

TO come to the point at once, I beg to say that I have not the least belief in the Noble Savage. I consider him a prodigious nuisance, and an enormous superstition. [...] I think a mere gent (which I take to be the lowest form of civilisation) better than a howling, whistling, clucking, stamping, jumping, tearing savage. It is all one to me, whether he sticks a fish-bone through his visage, or bits of trees through the lobes of his ears, or bird's feathers in his head; whether he flattens his hair between two boards, or spreads his nose over the breadth of his face, or drags his lower lip down by great weights, or blackens his teeth, or knocks them out, or paints one cheek red and the other blue, or tattoos himself, or oils himself, or rubs his body with fat, or crimps it with knives.

Hope to be back online shortly.  Thank you for stopping by and good luck on your journey.


hbd chick said...

best wishes on the move. hope it's not too "hairy"! (^_^)

M.G. said...

Thanks much! We got through it unscathed, back to posting very soon.

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